Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Autobiographical Nonsense: Skills I Should Master

I should learn to shut up.
I should learn to tell my right from my left.
I should learn to be more patient.
I should learn to play bass.
I should learn to tap my foot while playing.
I should learn to control my temper.
I should learn to write better papers.
I should learn to give a stunning argument.
I should learn to be more independent.
I should learn to do my work on time and not at the last minute.
I should learn not to be jealous.
I should learn what dispensationalism is.
I should learn to salsa dance better.
I should learn to do a decent flip turn.
I should learn to use a serger.
I should learn to fix a carburetor.
I should learn to do a cartwheel.
I should learn to French kiss.
I should learn to drive without killing anyone.
I should learn to do a triple toe loop.
I should learn to write.
I should learn how to conquer the world.
I should learn to use Logic Pro.
I should  learn to go to bed at a reasonable hour.
I should learn how to apply eyeshadow in the crease.
I should learn how credit cards work.
I should learn to answer my mom kindly.
I should learn to comfort people.
I should learn to give better advice.
I should learn to eat a whole jalepeno without batting an eyelash. Almost there.
I should learn to use a tandoor oven.
I should learn to fly.
I should learn to be the change.

I should learn to do a whole bunch of things before I go off to college.

Before I die.

The one thing I do not need to learn is to love, because someone I never expected to be my best friend is teaching me how.

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